To say that our hall bath needed a redo would be a gross understatement. Pun fully intended. The old pedestal sink was stained. The bronze fixtures screamed 1984. The toilet- well I won't go into detail about it, but it needed replacing.
I told Ashley that I *really* could not handle that bathroom anymore and that man went to work. He went to Lowe's and picked out new stuff, painted (walls and ceiling), dealt with the subs from Lowe's who so efficiently installed the toilet and sink (yeah, right) and installed new light fixtures, TP and towel holder and a mirror himself.
This kind of reminded me of a guy I worked with 15 years ago who helped me remove wallpaper and repaint my DISGUSTING Gregg St. room in my college apartment (although "helped" implies that I pulled my weight) which required sanding with an electric sander and hours of elbow grease. It was WAY more work than most guys would do for a friend. But then again, Ash is not like most guys. Lucky for me.
I love my new bathroom! Thank you, Ash! You're the best.
The first time I met Ashley, long before you two were dating, was when he helped you with that wall paper rip out/ paint job. I recall it like it was yesterday. He has indeed turned out to be a keeper!
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